
AI scientist with over 4 years of research experience applying machine learning to solve problems in protein design. Experienced in working across interdisciplinary teams and building user-driven scientific solutions. Seasoned software developer proficient in Python and C/C++, with experience in designing, training, and fine-tuning large language models for biology.

maghoi@[university].dk Google Scholar Profile GitHub LinkedIn Twitter


AntiFold: Improved antibody structure-based design using inverse folding
MH Høie, A Hummer, TH Olsen, M Nielsen, C Deane
arXiv, 2024
PDF Abstract Bibtex Webserver

Comparative Structure Analysis of the Multi-Domain, Cell Envelope Proteases of Lactic Acid Bacteria
LF Christensen, MH Høie, CH Bang-Berthelsen, P Marcatili, EB Hansen
MDPI Microorganisms, 2023
PDF Abstract Bibtex

DiscoTope-3.0 - Improved B-cell epitope prediction using inverse folding latent representations
MH Høie, FS Gade, JM Johansen, C Würtzen, O Winther, M Nielsen, P Marcatili
Frontiers in Immunology, 2024
PDF Abstract Bibtex Webserver

Widespread amyloidogenicity potential of multiple myeloma patient-derived immunoglobulin light chains
R Sternke-Hoffman, T Pauly, RK Norrild, J Hansen, F Tucholski, MH Høie, P Marcatili, M Dupré, M Duchateau, M Rey, C Malosse, S Metzger, A Boquoi, F Platten, SU Egelhaaf, J Chamot-Rooke, R Fenk, L Nagel-Steger, R Haas, AK Buell
BMC Biology, 2023
PDF Abstract Bibtex

BepiPred-3.0 - Improved B-cell epitope prediction using protein language models
J Clifford, MH Høie, S Deleuran, B Peters, M Nielsen, P Marcatili
Protein Science, 2022
PDF Abstract Bibtex Webserver

NetSurfP-3.0 - accurate and fast prediction of protein structural features by protein language models and deep learning
MH Høie, EN Kiehl, B Petersen, M Nielsen, O Winther, H Nielsen, J Hallgren, P Marcatili
Nucleic Acids Research, 2022
PDF Abstract Bibtex Webserver

Predicting and interpreting large-scale mutagenesis data using analyses of protein stability and conservation
MH Høie, M Cagiada, AHB Frederiksen, A Stein, K Lindorff-Larsen
Cell Reports, 2022
PDF Abstract Bibtex Website


Talks at selected conferences.

AntiFold: Improved antibody structure design using inverse folding
Spotlight, NeurIPS GenBio 2023
Dec 2023

DiscoTope-3.0: Improved B-cell epitope prediction using AlphaFold2 modeling and inverse folding latent representations
Selected talk, ELIXIR Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference 2023
Sep 2023

Immunological binding prediction using protein language models & inverse folding
SDC Annual Life Science Engineering and Informatics PhD Symposium 2023
June 2023


Below are listed titles of the M.Sc. Thesis' and independent research projects I have co-supervised during my time at the Technical University of Denmark.

Unsupervised contrastive learning for antibody structure clustering
Master Thesis, 30 ECTS
Christian Peder Jacobsen
Autumn 2023

Development of improved prediction methods for B cell epitopes prediction
Special project, 5 ECTS
Carlos de Santiago León
Spring 2023

Structure-based prediction of TCR-pMHC interaction using Graph Neural Networks
Master Thesis, 30 ECTS
Julie Maria Johansen, Charlotte Würtzen
Autumn 2022

BepiPred-3.0: Improved B-cell epitope prediction using protein language models
Master Thesis, 30 ECTS
Joakim Clifford
Autumn 2021

Using deep learning for improving TCR homology modeling and its application to immunogenicity prediction
Master Thesis, 30 ECTS
Ida Meitil
Spring 2021


To build a community in Denmark for sharing experience on working with machine-learning and data-science methods handling biological data, I organized events together with Paolo Marcatili, Tobias Hegelund Olsen and Andreas Fønss Møller. This led to 4 events with 200+ academic and industry professional participants, attending from Novo Nordisk, NovoZymes, Lundbeck, DTU and KU.

Organized 4 events teaching biological data-science to academics and industry professionals

Copenhagen Bioinformatics Hackathon 2021
Hosted TCR-p-MHC prediction challenge, with 7 competing teams
Spring 2021


Below you can find a list over courses I have taught in.

DTU course 22117 Protein structure and computational biology
Teaching assistant
Spring 2022

DTU course 22111 Introduction to Bioinformatics
Teaching assistant
Spring 2022

DTU course 22110 Python and Unix for Bioinformaticians
Teaching assistant
Autumn 2021


Selected articles on my research.


DTU Career as a PhD student "Faster development of new vaccines"
August 2024


Dynamo magazine nr. 78 "En god dag er, når idéer ikke falder til jorden"
September 2024